Jaidev K Sridhar


aerosmith, Bangalore, BE CSE @ PESIT (VTU), beer, blue, books, brocade, cars, citrix, computers, cricket, debian, dilbert, economics, f1, fitness, football, gadgets, linux, IPv6, metal, metallica, movies, MS CSE @ OSU, netscaler, networks, open-source, PhDcomics, photography, pool, rock, rum, seinfeld, snooker, technology, tequila, ubuntu, vodka, www, wild-life, xkcd

Not Me

dogs, golf, m$ft, pink, ...1

  1. And much more I'm sure, its a good sign that I don't remember them. (1)

about (last edited 2013-12-24 20:21:54 by JaidevSridhar)